
Game 2 Red Sox Recap: Saturday September 29: 8-5 WIN: Broke the Homer Record and Hit 100 Wins - A Very Special Season - Jomboy Media

Game 2 Red Sox Recap: Saturday September 29: 8-...

A bunch of records we're broken on Saturday afternoon   100 wins. 3 records set. It was landmark day for the Yanks. — Jomboy (@Jomboy_) September 29, 2018  ...

Game 2 Red Sox Recap: Saturday September 29: 8-...

A bunch of records we're broken on Saturday afternoon   100 wins. 3 records set. It was landmark day for the Yanks. — Jomboy (@Jomboy_) September 29, 2018  ...

Game 1 Red Sox Recap: Friday October 28: 11-6 WIN: Home Field is Ours and We Tied the Homer Record - Jomboy Media

Game 1 Red Sox Recap: Friday October 28: 11-6 W...

Okay, I'm about to run through this final regular season series REAL quick. Now I know what you're thinking...Johnny, you usually only do that when we've had some embarrassing losses. We...

Game 1 Red Sox Recap: Friday October 28: 11-6 W...

Okay, I'm about to run through this final regular season series REAL quick. Now I know what you're thinking...Johnny, you usually only do that when we've had some embarrassing losses. We...

Sevy to start the Wild Card Game + more roster updates and thoughts - Jomboy Media

Sevy to start the Wild Card Game + more roster ...

The Wild Card roster is starting to take shape! The Yankees announced that Luis Severino will be taking the ball on Wednesday night in the Bronx, hoping to redeem himself...

Sevy to start the Wild Card Game + more roster ...

The Wild Card roster is starting to take shape! The Yankees announced that Luis Severino will be taking the ball on Wednesday night in the Bronx, hoping to redeem himself...

Game 4 Rays Recap: Thursday September 27: 12-1 WIN: Nice Beatdown to Say Goodbye to the Trop for 2018 - Jomboy Media

Game 4 Rays Recap: Thursday September 27: 12-1 ...

Who doesn't love a 12-1 smackdown? Stupid question right? NOW, who doesn't love a 12-1 smackdown, at the Trop? I love it even more. Because FUCK THE TROP. Finally, after a...

Game 4 Rays Recap: Thursday September 27: 12-1 ...

Who doesn't love a 12-1 smackdown? Stupid question right? NOW, who doesn't love a 12-1 smackdown, at the Trop? I love it even more. Because FUCK THE TROP. Finally, after a...

Game 3 Rays Recap: Wednesday September 26: 8-7 Loss: Another Amazing Comeback Effort That Falls Short...Great. - Jomboy Media

Game 3 Rays Recap: Wednesday September 26: 8-7 ...

UGH. Why do we keep having our team do this to us? They fall behind in a game, then make a miraculous comeback, only to fall short. They get us...

Game 3 Rays Recap: Wednesday September 26: 8-7 ...

UGH. Why do we keep having our team do this to us? They fall behind in a game, then make a miraculous comeback, only to fall short. They get us...

Game 2 Rays Recap: Tuesday September 25: 9-2 WIN: Sevy is Basically Back (I think), Gary is Basically Back (I also think) And We Scored a Bunch of Runs - Jomboy Media

Game 2 Rays Recap: Tuesday September 25: 9-2 WI...

Sooo. The main question after this game is: "have we seen enough from Sevy for him to start the Wild Card Game?" And yes, I'm writing this on Friday -...

Game 2 Rays Recap: Tuesday September 25: 9-2 WI...

Sooo. The main question after this game is: "have we seen enough from Sevy for him to start the Wild Card Game?" And yes, I'm writing this on Friday -...